More Ideas Than Time

Intro There are more ideas than time. This is something I struggle with a lot. I have a huge list of project ideas, and yet I know that I’ll never be able to complete – nevertheless work on – all of them in the time that I’m given here. Not to...

My Daily Drivers (April 2021 Edition)

As it is abundantly clear between this blog and my productivity podcast I love working with productivity systems. I love trying out new apps and techniques and then seeing if they’re worth implementing into my personal life. Throughout the years I’ve had...

The Narrowing of the Gap

Introduction: COVID & The Narrowing Gap Lately, I’ve been thinking about the narrowing of the gap between my personal life and professional life. It’s been a year since we’ve been thrown into a narrow world between these two facets of our lives...

My Monthly Review

Introduction: The Monthly Checklist Every month I sit down for an hour or so to take a look back at the past month and work my way through a pretty involved checklist and a list of questions I ask myself to see where I came from and where I want to be. Although the...

The Attention Ecosystem

Inside your phone is a lies an garden of apps, an ecosystem curated to you by you, but an ecosystem that has one singular source of nourishment: you. Your time, your engagement, your information are all valuable resources for each and every one of those apps, without...